College Planning

College Planning


From private kindergarten to graduate school, it’s no secret that education is one of the biggest financial burdens we all face. We want our families to have the best of academic opportunities and an understanding of the world around them, which means learning about the accompanying price tags.

Many elite colleges and universities now cost upwards of $70,000 per year. We can help you save for college in a tax-efficient and flexible manner. We can discuss the pros and cons of various College Savings Plans as well as other, more flexible, strategies to save for higher education.

Many people have under-saved for their own retirement. We often encourage our clients to think of themselves first and fully fund their own retirement before they consider saving for the next generation. There are no grants, financial aid packages and loans available for retirement.

We aim to act as a support system as you make important decisions that affect the future generations of your family and loved ones.